Culture & Sightseeing

Colourful diversity
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Theatre, museums and more

Culture & Sights in the Ruhr Area

“Life is like a play. What matters is not how long it is, but how colourful.”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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We play an important supporting role

Ruhr Festival Recklinghausen

The Ruhr Festival begins every year on 1 May. And this year, too, visitors can look forward to a programme full of variety.

We are delighted that we will once again be welcoming numerous artists from the Ruhr Festival to Engelsburg.

We are looking forward to it and are already very excited!

Photo: Dreigroschenoper JR Berliner Ensemble

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Culture in the Vest

Museums and sights

You can visit numerous museums in Recklinghausen.

From art to history to industry, there is something for every taste and interest.

Recklinghausen in the Ruhr Area

Whether half-timbered, Wilhelminian or Art Nouveau – it is not only the picturesque facades of the old town that will surprise you.